I remember the first time getting touch with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). My friend was introducing NLP for me when he wanted me to increase my productivity in running network marketing (Multi Level Marketing). As an upline, he urge me to study NLP through reading bunch of books and watching lenghty videos (MLM Videos). Several time he pushed me to do so, read-watch-read-watch-..... Later I feel tired of his pushing me in recruiting new MLM member, then I left him, stop MLM, and stop learning NLP. Learned NLP is not fun at that time (2004).
Now (2008), again, I stumble upon some very nice NLP blogs, especialy that writen in Bahasa Indonesia. They explain more deep thoughts and practical guides in using NLP at every day life. Not only for forcing sales profit, but also for wider range of our aspect in life. It means that at first time I know NLP, it was a wrong concept of NLP (but actually not wrong huh... but narrow explanation). Today I fill my day with reading 'true' NLP books and 'true' NLP videos I got from some torrent.
After knowing that NLP is good and great for our life, I bet you want to share that knowledge with your friend, families, and relatives, do you? So do I :-) But for the NLP-beginner-student like me, it is not quiet easy to teach others. When they ask me "what is NLP" or "what are you doing" then it's time to show up. I will tell them (at least) that NLP can help improve our quality of life. Becouse you will know how to use your brain at will.
Of course, I won't teach them as my upline did teach me. I love to give them actual example how I can use NLP to make my life better, how I can control my emotion, and how I resolve past disempowering experience.
One of the thing that make my friend interested in NLP is how I can use NLP in building romantic relation with my wife at bed. It's not necessary to explain detailed theory of rapport, match - mirroring, pacing and leading, etc. Just give them real example in life with a litteh simulation.
At least now I can enjoy learning and sharing NLP world
Have a fantastic day!
Fuad Muftie
Newbie NLP
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Learn to Share NLP Thought
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Neuro Linguistic Programming: Sleight of Mouth, By-pass Words, Waking Hypnosis Words
Last week (Jun, 8), I attend one great NLP talk forum, organized by Indonesia NLP society at Taman Amir Hamzah Jakarta. I interested to joint that workshop because, for me, NLP and Hypnosis are new area of interest and a great knowledge I think.
The topic was “Neuro Linguistic Programming: Sleight of Mouth, By-pass Words, Waking Hypnosis Words” presented by Bobby Meidrie. Bobby is a young and smart master NLP from Surabaya Indonesia.
Bobby, beside expert in sleight of mouth, he also well skilled in “sleight of hand”. He gave as some session demonstrating his ability as a magician. He also revealed a little trick, the technique of how he performe magic with card. Thanks Bobby.
The discusion was very nice and inspiring and all the participant seem so enjoy following the workshop. We also played some roleplay how to talk to other person using hypnosis word, using better tonality, identify hypnotic words, and identify truth and lie story, etc.
And as usual, attending NLP and Hypnosis class will make us more curious and want to learn deeper and deeper.
Have a fantastics day.
Best Reggards
Fuad Muftie
Posted by Admin at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Belajar menggunakan BAHASA lebih baik lagi
Salah satu aspek dari NLP adalah L atau Language atau Bahasa. Bahasa memiliki peran yang penting dalam peradaban sebagai simbol-simbol dalam berkomunikasi.
Selama ini kita menggunakan bahasa sudah tidak pakai kesadaran lagi alias sudah unconscious. Saat mulai mempelajari NLP, mau nggak mau kita mulai belajar kembali menggunakan bahasa yang sudah unconscious menjadi conscious lagi, dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki bahasa yang kita gunakan agar lebih efektif lagi saat kita gunakan untuk berkomunikasi.
Perubahan kecil dalam bahasa ternyata benar-benar memberi efek yang besar. Selama ini saya sudah paham kalau mau memerintah kepada orang lain ada baiknya langsung diberi pilihan "Mau air putih atau mau teh", "Mau pakai pakai baju yang biru atau putih". Itu contoh yang saya gunakan untuk memerintah anak saya.
Setelah sedikit tahu tentang bahasa hypnosis, saya kembali bereksperimen menambahkan kata-kata yang lebih berbau hipnosis saat meminta anak melakukan sesuatu. Efeknya ternyata benar-benar manjur.
Biasanya anak saya kalau sedang main (di malam hari), akan butuh waktu lama kalau disuruh segera tidur. "Habis main langsung tidur ya", begitu biasa saya ucapkan. Tapi tetap saja anak lebih memilih untuk bermain lagi. Perintahnya belum masuk ke unconscius anak.
Setelah sedikit diperbaiki "skrip"-nya ternyata bisa lebih menghipnotis. Contohnya "Ayah tidak tahu, apakah Abang mau tidur sekarang atau sebentar lagi" ternyata anak saya jadi lebih nurut. Tapi saya juga tidak tahu apakah perintah ini langsung dieksekusi karena benar2 sudah terbangun rapport dan sudah connect, atau ada faktor lain yang belum saya ketahui.
Anyway, menarik juga untuk lebih dalam mengeksplore dan mempelajari pola-pola bahasa hypnosis.
Fuad Muftie
Posted by Admin at 1:39 PM 0 comments